Sunday night I attended this new bible study that is primarily focused for 12th graders and college students. After the 2 hours, I knew why. It was so in depth that I felt in awe of God's intellect because I knew that I couldn't even compare to it. The Bible Study was called the Truth Project. It is a tape of a professor at New Geneva Seminary and the president of Focus on the Family who is teaching his students about this lesson of Truth.
Truth: What is Truth?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? How do we know what truth is? Do we really know what is true when everyone has their own opinion of truth? Dr. Del Tackett, the professor, states that if you ask random population more than half of them will answer "i dunno" to the vital question of truth. I mean really think about truth or at least try and wrap your noggin around it. We know as Christians that Jesus stated "I am the way, the truth, an the life. No one comes to the father except through me." (John 14:6) I believe that completely, but have never thought about it outside of any other context. The Truth is Jesus.
Truth: Why did Jesus come to the world?
Answer found in John 18:37- to testify to the truth. He came not to only save us, but to establish the right way. To establish the Truth so that we don't have to live or suffer with lies. Christians don't belong to lies any longer because He has already established the Truth.
Truth: Where is Truth?
Found in Jesus Christ. Truth is having faith in Jehova Jira, the God who provides. We don't have faith in faith or hope in hope. Have faith in Truth. Have hope in Truth. As Christians do our lives really prove that we believe that our belief is really real?
Wisdom: "Does not widsom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. To fear the Lord is to hate evil. " Proverbs 8
Wisdom: knowing what is true.
"Maybe to fear the Lord is to hate evil" is saying, to follow the Truth is to reject the lies since that is what he has come to testify.
Dude i did get accepted to taylor. im gettin a head up o nsome credits. you should check it out. im taking a course on the intergration of faith and learning right now. its pretty baller. dude that bible study sounds intense!