Interesting title, I know. But here is what I was up against today. You know when you get the feeling that the world needs such help that even a rope that could wrap around the Earth wouldn't be long enough? Well, I have adopted this song to my lifestyle: "Give me your eyes for just one second.Give me your eyes so I can see.Everything that I keep missing.Give me your love for humanity.Give me your arms for the broken hearted ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me your heart for the ones forgotten.Give me your eyes so I can see".
This song is what spoke to me to go on an International mission trip. This song got me more involved in my community. It also is the same artist who was sung at church when I was the guest speaker.
Today, this song took a new spin on my life. Let me warn you, if you are asking for the Lord to show you what He sees so that you can better help and communicate from others based on where they are coming from...you better put on the shield of faith and the belt of truth (Ephesians 6) because I realized that over the past few months and especially just recently, we don't want to know how others live. As Christians it can seem scary, unnerving, or uncomfortable. So, I have to clarify what I am actually saying. What I saw in Jamaica was amazing and it blessed me. The love and welcome coming from the Jamaicans taught me a lot. I needed to learn that I don't need my "wants". But since then I have come across people in my path that live desperate lives and because of Christ's compassion I have wanted to help them. They know that Christ is the priority and the purpose in my life. But to be able to understand where someone is coming from when you are feeling great and redeemed through Christ can be difficult and painful. Sometimes you don't want to see what people go through. At one point it bothered me. It made me afraid. I was confused why they had to go through such things ore even why they chose such things.However, I realized they came to me, and I had a responsibility to endure the situation and just listen and show the love of Christ.
Now, I feel I am called to move on. I helped and did what I could with Christ working through me. Now, God has removed that specific responsibility because I already have planted a seed. Now, is the time for the Living Water to rain down.
It's tough. I listened to things I didn't know how to respond. Sometimes it made me hurt that someone could be so empty. Thank God that He gets to see everything and we only see minuscule things because we couldn't handle what goes on daily in 6.8 billion people's lives. That's why He is God. We are his workmanship. He is the Lord.
So I encourage you and warn you at the same time. If you feel called to see the world through His eyes, soften your heart yet also keep that shield up so that you stay strong because that is what the forgotten, lost, and lonely need: someone to look up to and know that there is more to life through Jesus. Sometimes they are just asking for hope. Go tell them there is and overflowing cup of hope waiting for them. If we don't, who will? (Romans 10:14). It's tough, but He will equip you for it.
Moving thoughts to consider Kiersten. Thanks for your writing.