A year at IWU:
(Fall 2010-Spring 2011)
The things I experienced, applied, learned, and enjoyed in a year at Indiana Wesleyan University.
1) You cannot love God without truly loving others. You cannot love others without truly loving God.
2) "Augustine" is not (A-u-g-u-s-teeeen). It is "A-g-u-s-tin"
3) We build up walls that are supposed to protect us from being hurt, but really they cover up our authenticity so people cannot see us for who we are.
4) God is ever faithful no matter the sickness one bears. He is always fully encompassing and wrapping his everlasting arms around his children.
5) God is faithful no matter what.
7) Athanasius, an early church father, once said that God is Love- thus, he had to provide a way for salvation because he cannot go against his very nature
8) God is my first love- no one can ever supersede or break that
9) Community makes all the difference, for we were never meant to be "independent"
10) A community is a body of wisdom with self-giving love
11)Friends make a good day better. Friends make a bad day spectacular.
12) One who is task-oriented needs to find a balance in order to be equally relationship oriented
13) Leadership is: Taking action to effect change while mobilizing others to accomplish a shared vision.
14) Your Love never fails me.
(Fall 2010-Spring 2011)
The things I experienced, applied, learned, and enjoyed in a year at Indiana Wesleyan University.
1) You cannot love God without truly loving others. You cannot love others without truly loving God.
2) "Augustine" is not (A-u-g-u-s-teeeen). It is "A-g-u-s-tin"
3) We build up walls that are supposed to protect us from being hurt, but really they cover up our authenticity so people cannot see us for who we are.
4) God is ever faithful no matter the sickness one bears. He is always fully encompassing and wrapping his everlasting arms around his children.
5) God is faithful no matter what.
7) Athanasius, an early church father, once said that God is Love- thus, he had to provide a way for salvation because he cannot go against his very nature
8) God is my first love- no one can ever supersede or break that
9) Community makes all the difference, for we were never meant to be "independent"
10) A community is a body of wisdom with self-giving love
11)Friends make a good day better. Friends make a bad day spectacular.
12) One who is task-oriented needs to find a balance in order to be equally relationship oriented
13) Leadership is: Taking action to effect change while mobilizing others to accomplish a shared vision.
14) Your Love never fails me.
15) He makes all things work for my good because he is molding me into the likeness of Christ Jesus (Romans 8:28-39)
16) God is good. All the time, even at 2am.
17) Love people for who they are, where they are. For it does no good to try and change them.
18) Solitude- a time of quiet reflection is healthy for the body, mind, and spirit. It also is how God can speak to us, if we let him.
19) The kingdom of God belongs to children of all different ages and races regardless of their behavior or anything that people find "annoying". They are the ones that have the joy and faith that disappears in so many adults.
20) 1st Semester- God’s faithfulness; 2nd Semester- God’s goodness; Hopefully, I will learn a fruit of the Spirit each semester.
21) Anything more than 16 ounces of coffee in one day will make you sick L
22) I am a coffee addict- I get migraines without a cup a day
23) I am passionate about leadership- specifically the structure within the Church and making sure that the top leaders are servant leaders equipping the Body in the greatest way they are capable
24) Academics are a priority, not a life mission. They come second to God and third to others.
25) “God won’t fix things through prayer what can be fixed with sleep.” Coach Drury
26) When was the last time you woke up in the morning and asked God for the impossible? For an adventure? C.S. Lewis)
27) Great Commission- Matthew 28 go into all nations - Greek for ethos- over 2000 ethnicities- go into all races, cultures, of every ethnicity- through power of Holy Spirit in relation to Acts 1:8
28) If I am 100% comforting and 99% managing, the question is not how can I choose one over the other, but rather how can I incorporate both so I am managing and comforting to others for the glory of God?
29) Economics is 2 gazillion times harder than asking for forgiveness
30) One can get caught up in “doing things for Jesus” rather than “falling in love with Jesus.” Ephesians 3:16-19
31) Ephesians 4:11-13- Goal of Pastoral Ministry
32) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
33) There will always be people that are in a worse condition than you are. No need to complain.
34) Not only has God been sparing me of the heartaches in trivial relationships, but he has been shaping and molding me into the wife I am meant to be as I trust him that I will meet the right one. First and foremost, he has been molding me into his daughter who wants to be captivated in the love of Christ where no relationship can break or hinder the relationship I have with God.
35) Making time for God first and foremost is the best way one can start their day
36) Psalm 27:13-14; waiting on the Lord for the desires of our heart should cause us to be expectant and be strong in Christ’s strength
37) In our weaknesses we are strong because God’s grace is sufficient, for then God is the most glorified.
38) Sometimes our “daily bread” comes in the form of rocks. But your Father will transform the rocks of life to bread for they may just be blessings in disguise.
39) I love to beatbox in my free time
40) I want to start a ministry at a church for soldiers who are home from the war because I have a passion for the military
41) Rap is relaxing. I listen to it when I am stressed or frustrated. If I am running and listening to rap- you know it’s really bad!
42) I love the band Jesus Culture
43) I made lots of new friends and lost and kept some old!
44) I grew in my love for God with my heart, mind, soul, and strength
45) Learned that God’s love truly never fails
46) Naps are good
47) Running clears the mind and prepares it for exams
48) Stressing out does not change your circumstances, joy does.
49) 1st night of finals every semester, ever student on campus opens their window for the Midnight Scream!
50) I was known for the one in the room with the “bass cranked up” or walls vibrating
51) Late night chats are some of the best
52) Intercessory prayer is an ability to be in tune with the Holy Spirit
53) Being on your knees is the most beautiful thing before the Lord
54) Reading the Bible in 7 months is more difficult than you think
55) Taking a Sabbath is remarkable creating immediate and long term effects ((when one finds time)
56) Learned that in Evangelism class- authentic relationships are desired more so than anything in this generation.
57) I can now exegete since I wrote an exegesis.
58) Sometimes you just have to move on….let God take care of the rest for both you and the other person.
59) Friends are those that care for you when you are sick, love you despite your weaknesses, take you to the hospital, clean your room for you even though you’ve been sick and germy for days, buy you treats when you’ve had a bad day, make you laugh when you are frustrated, pack your bag in the middle of the night to send you home, have long chats over coffee, prank people in their dorms for no reason, hold you when you cry, dance with you when you are learning how to swing dance, make dance videos with you at 1am, and most importantly pray for you.
60) I learned to get out of my comfort zone meeting new people by being more open to people and more open to God about myself.
61) Learned that the best Leader doesn’t take a seat at the head of the table, but rather chooses another to be the most important guest
62) Learned to be happy and content with what I had
63) Learned to be thankful for the little things, like being able to afford gas
64) Learned to rely on God for EVERYTHING. Rarely is anything in our complete control.
65) Writing papers with the Holy Spirit is the best way to go. He leads, I type.
66) Doing homework with Jesus makes time fly
67) I have a great mentor who is “gangster” like me
68) When God says, “Your bodies are a living sacrifice.” He means for you to take care of it. So, if that means rest, rest. If that means take a break, then take a break! Watch a movie. Have fun. Enjoy life. Seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added unto you.
69) College is the most selfish period of your life, go serve somebody.
70) For the first time in my life, I have understand the despair that Job experienced when life seems to collapse around you.
71) I’ve learned to grow Rhino Sin (thick skin)
72) I’ve learned to not take things personally
73) I’ve learned I can’t fix everything, and I certainly can’t “change” other people no matter how hard I try.
74) I’ve learned I’m a leader. I am passionate about relationships, and I think I am gifted in relational leadership.
75) I’ve learned people won’t always treat you the way you deserve. Love them and pray for them, hoping they will come to a realization on their own.
76) Do your best and let God do the rest.
77) Reflection is key to being stress free. A time of processing is so good for the body and mind.
78) Fully depend on God and when you feel you can go no longer, lean on Him- He’ll hold you up.
79) There’s a difference between humility- knowing you can do nothing without Christ, and being humble- being open to what God is doing, even if it is unseen
80) Become a vessel for God to do his best in your weakest moments.
81) I LOVE IWU and the JWHC
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