It is a familiar story; the feeding of 4,000, which is a separate story than the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21) shown in Mark 8:19-20.
It starts with the great attribute of Christ: Compassion. After thinking about what compassion really is and wanting to be able to have that same attribute, I have come up with this. To me based on the acts of Jesus, compassion is always prior to a faith filled action. If you have compassion, it seems that you cannot not help somebody or turn the situation around. It would have been much different if Jesus had looked at all of the hungry people and said, "wow, I wish I would be able to feed them. Why is the world so hungry?" and then moved on. That is NOT compassion. Compassion is how Jesus acted instantaneously to the hungry. He had compassion on them; therefore, he HAD to act on their behalf.
Here is the literal definition of Compassion: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Notice, the "accompanied by..." part of the definition. Think about what we can do with our strong desires to alleviate suffering. All it takes is faith. Compassion is always prior to faith filled action. When it comes to serving and helping others you wouldn't have faith filled action without compassion...nor would you have compassion that is not followed by an action of faith. That would just be nonsense.
I just have to wonder what the disciples were thinking when they were passing out the 7 loaves and a few small fish. "Does the bread keep growing?" or " I fed this family and it looks like I hardly took out a chunk!" Perhaps, one of the disciples yelled out, "This is an everlasting loaf of bread!" Then, just maybe, God said..."Yes, they got it! I Am the Everlasting and you have witnessed my Son, the Bread of Life (John 6:35).
What faith can do is remarkable because the result isn't in our power but God's.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mourning Dove

Recently my family and I have become fascinated by birds and the birds have become fascinated with us. We find the most beautiful birds of all different colors in our backyard taking a bath on a daily basis. Last week, I found a mother Dove sitting in our driveway. My first thought was it was hovering over a baby, but it wasn't. It just sat there and looked at me. It wasn't injured or anything. It was just relaxing. I was literally 3 feet from the dove, and she didn't move.
2 days later we found her nest. She has a baby dove now. It has become part of our daily routine now to look for the baby dove and the momma.
Doves can represent the symbol of peace and the presence of God:
Maybe the doves are around us to help us remember the God is always with each of us.
Maybe the doves choose to sit side by side on our front porch steps looking out at the world to remind us as an invitation to go cuddle with our Father and be amazed at Him and what He has done. That is really all the baby dove does besides sing. The dove sits and takes the world in. She looks all around her for at least a half hour just waiting patiently and enjoying what she sees. She takes it in as a child does. I think I have forgotten how amazing and blessed the Earth really is after living here for 17 years. Maybe I should take time to take it all in again.
Maybe the doves sing together because that's all they know how to do to give God glory through their acts of praise.
What if in the midst of my fears or stresses at the completion of each day, I just lay there and fall asleep taking it all in just like a child who is privileged and blessed to live each coming day.
Join your Father, family, and friends today while you take in the newness and grandness of the whole world. It's all around I AM (God with us)
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